YoKart Chef is an ecommerce guru and knows what startups need to thrive in a competitive market. Entrepreneurs & CEOs can count on YoKart Chef for valuable insights on latest ecommerce trends. Follow Yo!Kart on social media for latest updates Twitter, Facebook & Instagram.

How to Attract Customers to your Ecommerce Marketplace Image

How to Attract Customers to your Ecommerce Marketplace?

Building a winning marketing strategy and attracting customers with it is a challenge and takes time. There are several pitfalls along the way and you need expert guidance to tackle them. To help you along the way, we have written points that will help you build a successful marketing strategy. Continue reading to know more.

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Online tools for retargeting

Online Tools For eCommerce Stores & Multi-vendor Marketplaces To Improve Operational Efficiency

There are several tools to help entrepreneurs streamline their day to day business activities. Viewing the utmost significance of such tools for small scale ecommerce business and start-ups, we have selected the most relevant online tools that simplify day-to-day tasks and are a must-have for businesses. All of them can be integrated effortlessly and prove most helpful for conversions, sales, and productivity.

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How YoKart Helps Ecommerce Entrepreneurs at Each Stage After The Store Is Up and Running

The ecommerce ecosystem is expected to grow multiple folds in the coming years. You can also be a part of it and earn huge profits in the process. However, being a part of the ecommerce ecosystem is not easy as a lot depends on the platform on which you will build your website. Get a glimpse of how the various problems associated with operations, management, and scalability, are solved by our ecommerce system.

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About to Start an Ecommerce Business? Know How to Overcome These Common Hurdles First

Rising number of ecommerce startups can put your venture in trouble. To safeguard your ecommerce business, certain steps need to be taken to address common problems before they arise. In this article, we have jotted down fewpoints about possible hurdles that you can face before starting an ecommerce business and how to overcome them. Continue reading to know more.

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Look Into The Current Trends In Ecommerce To Know What’s Next For Businesses?

The competition in ecommerce ecosystem is becoming difficult with each passing day. To stay on top, ecommerce giants are bringing new innovation every now & then; increasing the expectations of consumers. In 2017, ecommerce store and marketplace owners will have to innovate to keep up with times. In this post, we have shared some innovations within the ecommerce ecosystem, which can be used to stay profitable.

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Why Analytics Is Important for an Ecommerce Business

For any website, analytics have become a core part of finding the growth metrics. Without having a look at analytics it can become highly difficult for any website owner to make informed decisions. The same goes for ecommerce marketplace, where analytics are an integral part of each website feature. Read this post to find out the importance of analytics in ecommerce sector.

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Marketing Strategies for Startups

How Bootstrapped Startups Market Their Brand on a Low Budget & Do well

For an early stage startup, getting traction among targeted user base is highly crucial. However, things get a bit tricky for bootstrapped startups, which are low on resources, particularly funds. This is where they need to employ certain key digital marketing strategies, which would help them reach out of their user base without putting a hole in their pocket. Read this post to find out more about such digital marketing strategies, which are ideal for bootstrapped startups.

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How to Convert One-time Buyers into Repeat Customers

It is easier to lure customers with discounts but the actual test is when you have to ensure that these onetime buyers will turn into repeat customers. This post highlights all the critical strategies, which can help you not only retain existing buyers but also ensure repeat customers.

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Ecommerce in Rural India –Untapped Potential, Challenges, & Road to Improvement

For people living in metropolitan India, pretty much everything is available online to purchase. But such is not the scene in rural areas, which reside about 70% of country’s population. Ecommerce companies in India are recognizing the potential in this relatively untapped market share and have already begun to expand their reach in far-flung areas of the country. Read about the current state of ecommerce in rural India, how it is improving with time and what else can be done to accelerate this growth rate.

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Online Revenue Models Used By Internet Based Businesses (Ecommerce Stores, Blogs, Portals, etc.)

Ecommerce store or a blog, there is a purpose of each internet based business. In most cases it is revenue generation but how do these portals, marketplaces and affiliates generate income in the middle of discount war, clickbait and stiff competition. Here is a list of various revenue models you ought to know to remain profitable online.

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