YoKart Chef is an ecommerce guru and knows what startups need to thrive in a competitive market. Entrepreneurs & CEOs can count on YoKart Chef for valuable insights on latest ecommerce trends. Follow Yo!Kart on social media for latest updates Twitter, Facebook & Instagram.

influence purchase decision

How to Influence Customers during Different Stages of the Purchase Cycle

For a long period of time, companies and brands have been using different strategies to influence the purchase decision of the consumer. With eCommerce coming into picture the notion of conversions has become more prominent. By defining the purchase cycle of the consumer, eCommerce marketplace can target it to ensure that the consumer does convert and make repeat purchases. Read this post to find out more.

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Perfect Checkout Process

Improve Conversion by Perfecting the Checkout Process of Your Ecommerce Store

Many ecommerce marketplaces boast of ecstatic traffic to their website, but when it comes to sales figure, the numbers do not match. The reason behind it is shopping cart abandonment. Studies have shown that ecommerce marketplaces that do not have a consumer friendly checkout process tend to lose more than half of their revenues. Read this post to find out more about shopping cart abandonment and how to create a perfect checkout page.

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How Dynamic Product Recommendation Can Help Increase Sales of an Ecommerce Marketplace

Dynamic product recommendation plays a very important in increasing your sales. It means you are paying attention to their choices and you want them to make a well-informed decision. When done right, dynamic product recommendation also speeds up the buying process and converts a customer more quickly and efficiently. And at the same time, user experience also enhances multi-fold. This article talks about how you can master dynamic product recommendation and how to apply it during different stages of purchase funnel.

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Increase AOV of ecommerce store

Tips to Increase the Average Order Value (AOV) of Your Ecommerce Marketplace

From merely focusing on increasing user base, ecommerce marketplaces are now shifting their attention towards increasing sales and revenues. One way in which this can be achieved is to increase the average order value (AOV) of the shopping cart. Read this post to find out about different tricks & hacks through which you can easily increase average order value of your ecommerce marketplace.

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online shopping tendencies

Latest Ecommerce Stats To Understand Shopping Tendencies of Online Buyers [Infographic]

There was a time when launching an ecommerce marketplace with a long list of features was enough to make it a success. As the markets have matured and the numerous marketplaces have populated the whole sector, it has become crucial for website owners to develop marketing strategies based on data collected. This helps them identify how, where and what the consumers are shopping. Read this post to get a better idea.

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Statistical reports for Ecommerce Platform

Why Statistical Reports are Must for Ecommerce Marketplaces

For an ecommerce marketplace owner, everything revolves around how the website is performing. However, most of the entrepreneurs looking to launch an ecommerce marketplace, an inbuilt statistical report tool does not even break the top 10 feature list. This is where most of the startup marketplaces falter. Statistical reports provide the base for analytics, thus, play a crucial role in the formulation of growth strategy. Read this post to find out more.

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ecommerce search features

Key Search Feature Elements to Ensure Higher Conversion for Your Ecommerce Store

A lot of factors add up to ultimately decide the conversion potential of an ecommerce store. With focus on important areas like homepage, checkout process, etc., entrepreneurs often overlook the search feature of their store. But the stats & experience show that a well-optimized search feature can yield greater conversion, as well as help in growing customer base. In an attempt to give the search feature the attention it deserves, this post presents key search feature elements you should ensure in your store and their role in increasing conversion. Read on.

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Ecommerce Revenue Model

Demystifying Ecommerce Marketplaces’ Revenue Models – Commission Vs Subscription

For a marketplace owner, revenue streams are highly crucial for a seamless business growth. While most of the marketplaces employ a commission based Revenue model, market dynamics are forcing marketplace owners to become innovative and drive revenue using new models. This post covers some otherRevenue models that can be used by marketplace owners. Read on to find out more.

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5 Essential Ecommerce Product Page Elements to Convert Better

When designing an ecommerce website, the product page should be considered as one of the most important pages. The final decision of the consumer depends on the layout and elements of the product page. Adding elements that make the customer to trust your website and seller are of utmost importance. Read on to know the essential elements of a product page.

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Launching an Ecommerce Marketplace: What is the Real Cost?

A lot has been said about ecommerce marketplaces and its immense popularity among the entrepreneurial sector. However, very few understand the cost associated with launching and managing a full-fledged ecommerce marketplace. From setup cost to maintenance, there are different types of cost that a marketplace owner has to incur if they opt for creating a marketplace from scratch. Read this post to find out more about these costs and how to avoid them.

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