YoKart Chef is an ecommerce guru and knows what startups need to thrive in a competitive market. Entrepreneurs & CEOs can count on YoKart Chef for valuable insights on latest ecommerce trends. Follow Yo!Kart on social media for latest updates Twitter, Facebook & Instagram.

Ecommerce Marketing Plan

A Simple Ecommerce Marketing Plan to Go from 0 to 50,000+ Monthly Visitors

For a prospective entrepreneur looking to start an ecommerce website, the one crucial thing in mind is to go from zero visitors to a substantial monthly traffic and convert that traffic into revenue. In order to achieve that, one requires a formidable ecommerce marketing plan, than can underpin the growth story of that ecommerce website. Read this post to get an overview of that ecommerce marketing plan that would take any ecommerce website from 0 to 50,000+ monthly visitors.

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Top Ecommerce Features

Top Features & Tools For Ecommerce Website To Achieve Marketing Success

Nowadays it has become rudimentary for ecommerce businesses to incorporate certain marketing strategies to have an edge over the competition. This involves the integration of features and tools without which an ecommerce store would find it difficult to achieve marketing success. Read this post to find out more about the features and associated tools to get more insights.

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customer retention strategies

Innovative ways to make your loyal customer stay forever

Competition in ecommerce is increasing day by day and the need of the hour for entrepreneurs is to retain the already created customer base. While most ecommerce businesses run after more and more customers, they forget about the existing loyal customers. The following post has some tips which will help you retain customers.

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brand vs direct marketing

Brand Marketing V/S Direct Marketing: The Early Stage Ecommerce Startup Dilemma

Marketing has always been one of the foundation stones of every business. And when it comes to an ecommerce business, especially an early startup, its growth depends directly on its marketing. However, it’s also equally important to know which marketing channel early stage startups should focus on. Instead of spending humongous amount of cash on building a brand, it would be a wise step to invest in direct marketing. This article discusses why new ecommerce entrepreneurs can benefit more from direct marketing than brand marketing.

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V8 Launch

Packed with Additional Features & New Design, YoKart V8 Is Here Now

The latest version of YoKart is out, and it has become even more useful and efficient for everyone, marketplace owners, vendors and customers alike. This article talks about all the prominent upgrades that YoKart Version 8 brings along, with new UI design & Catalogue feature being the prominent ones.

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Use Notifications to boost sales

How Notifications Help in Increasing Your Online Store’s Sales

Retail marketing sales are going to skyrocket by 2020, and business owners are doing everything possible to be a part of the bonanza. This is where notifications come into the scene. Notifications are an effective way of telling your customers what’s happening at your online store. They are not only an effective way to keep your audience updated, but also effective in retaining them. Notifications can be used in more than one way, and this article talks about the various ways in which you can use them to increase your online store’s sales.

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Ecommerce Marketing Channels

Various Channels to Catapult eCommerce Marketing

Digital marketing is the spine and soul of web based businesses. Every ecommerce website owner understands the importance of staying ahead of the competitors. This is where the role of marketing comes into action, and given the rate at which marketing evolves, relying on only one marketing channel is not fruitful. In this article, we will talk about the various ecommerce marketing channels through which you can make sure you have a high prominence and visibility on the internet.

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Boost Conversion Rate

How to Use Customer Data to Improve Conversion of Your Ecommerce Store

For an ecommerce website owner, it all revolves around ensuring that users come to the website and make purchases. However many a time, these users trickle out of the purchasing pipeline due to one reason or the other. This is where you, as an ecommerce website owner, must incorporate certain strategies involving customer data to increase conversions of your website. Read this post to find out more.

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Invest in YoKart

YoKart in $999: Smart Investment to be a part of $1.9 Trillion Ecommerce Industry

The ecommerce ecosystem is expected to grow multiple folds in the coming years. You can also be a part of it and earn huge profits in the process. However, being a part of the ecommerce ecosystem is not easy as a lot depends on the platform on which you will build your website. This is where YoKart steps in and assists you in solving various problems associated with operations, management, scalability, etc. Continue reading to know more about features of YoKart and the delivery process.

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Turn Customers into brand ambassadors

Make your customers the biggest salespersons for your ecommerce store

For a long period of time legacy businesses have been relying on word-of-mouth to increase the sales of their stores. However the same has been missing from ecommerce stores which can use customers as the biggest salespeople to increase revenue and sales. From social marketing to in-website reviews, ecommerce stores can use numerous customer centric strategies to enhance sales and generate more profit. Read this post to get a more closer view.

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