YoKart Chef is an ecommerce guru and knows what startups need to thrive in a competitive market. Entrepreneurs & CEOs can count on YoKart Chef for valuable insights on latest ecommerce trends. Follow Yo!Kart on social media for latest updates Twitter, Facebook & Instagram.

Questions that help in choosing ecommerce platform

Key Questions to Ask Before Choosing an Ecommerce Platform

Before an aspiring entrepreneur takes the tough decision of which platform to choose, there are many questions that pop up in the mind of entrepreneur. It is very important to answer these questions in order to make the right decision. Choosing the platform is crucial decision as it will decide the fate of your ecommerce startup. Read more to know the answers of the most common questions of entrepreneur.

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Tips that ensure ROI from ecommerce business

How to Ensure Substantial ROI from Your Ecommerce Business

The world of Ecommerce business always has room for expansion, and everybody wants to grow as quickly as possible. Business owners are ready to make as much investment as possible to stay in the lead. Growth is the point of focus for all of them, and their investments know no bounds. With all this, the thought of getting high returns on their investments has taken a backseat. It’s not good for business. Many ecommerce businesses have not been profitable even after decades of being in business. What if one day your investors say, “No More”? ROI is a crucial factor and demands immediate attention. This article discusses how to maximize your ROI, right from the beginning.

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Bad Online Shopping Experience

11 Times When Online Shopping Becomes An Ordeal For Users Like Me

While ecommerce companies are striving day in and day out to stay margin positive, customer loyalty is becoming a major concern. But why is it the case? I’ll tell you why, for I am the voice of hundreds and thousands of people like me. I am an ecommerce shopper, one of the numerous, and I’ll tell you what problems your customers are facing while shopping online.

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Social media strategies for ecommerce websites

How to Effectively Design Social Media Post for eCommerce Marketplace

Social media has been an important marketing channel from a long time. Social media platforms are releasing features and tools which if used innovatively can be beneficial for online business especially in ecommerce. Marketing on social media is all about thinking what is the preference of your audience and creating an out of the box strategy. Read this post to find out about social media strategies which can help ecommerce brands engage with audience and increase the user base.

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Challenges for ecommerce business in a new market

Expanding Your Ecommerce Business to a New Market? Learn How to Overcome These Common Challenges

All business owners want to expand their business to new markets. Ecommerce is one industry where entering to new markets is considered rather easier, provided the owners have done the homework right. This article talks about the various challenges that an ecommerce business owner faces while planning to expand, and how to overcome them.

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Leverage upon impulsive buyers

How to Leverage Shopping Urge of Impulsive Buyers for Your Store’s Growth

Impulsive buyers are an interesting customer segment, and not just because of their sudden and frequent desire to buy something. This group is particularly interesting because these customers have different triggers that set them on their path to buy something, or anything. The reasons may vary, but the underlying truth remains unchanged: Impulsive Buyers form a customer group you should be focusing on. For this, you need to know how to attract them and keep them coming, and that’s what this article is all about.

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ecommerce website ready for holiday season

Prepare Your Ecommerce Marketplace for the Upcoming Holiday Season with These Easy Tips

Throughout the year, ecommerce marketplaces wait for the holiday season, as it is the time when their sales see a huge spike upwards. For some marketplaces, it is the time when they make as many sales as they do in other non-holiday months combined. However, to fully capitalize this time, you would want your ecommerce marketplace to be battle ready. Read this post that highlights expert advices allowing anyone to crush the holiday season this year.

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Customer Experience

Offer Unique Customer Experience to Succeed in Ecommerce

When it comes to retail, everything revolves around customer experience. The same is true for ecommerce, which is fully dependent upon offering a unique, yet consistent customer experience. Most ecommerce stores believe that just by offering competitive prices, one can easily lure customers, but it is not feasible in the long run. In order to ensure that you are able to grow and keep your user base glued to your marketplace, you need to offer a unique consumer experience. Read this post to find out more.

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Dos Donts of ecommerce

Do’s and Don’ts of Ecommerce When Taking Your Offline Retail Store Online

When we talk about retail these days, the first thing that comes to mind is ecommerce. Consumers have started to prefer shopping online rather than visiting brick and mortar shop. This has also ringed the bell for offline retailers who have started to acknowledge ecommerce and are making the transition to take their business online. This post covers crucial dos and don’ts for those retailers offering a clear picture before making the transition.

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Online Purchase Drivers

10 Online Purchase Drivers You Need to Ensure in Your Ecommerce Store

There are many aspects on an ecommerce website that collectively influence customers’ buying decision. It is imperative for ecommerce store owners that besides marketing, they also pay heed to these sales-drivers on their website to grow their business. Here in this post, we have listed the 10 most effective purchase-drivers that influence online shoppers buying decision.

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