YoKart Chef is an ecommerce guru and knows what startups need to thrive in a competitive market. Entrepreneurs & CEOs can count on YoKart Chef for valuable insights on latest ecommerce trends. Follow Yo!Kart on social media for latest updates Twitter, Facebook & Instagram.


Holiday Season Special: How To Convert Season-Sale Shoppers Into Regular Customers

Now that the holiday season is upon us, you must have already worked on the marketing technique to be applied during this time. But what after the season is over, find ways to attract the whole bunch of one time holiday shopper as a regular shopper. Read more to understand different tactics.

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Killer Logo

Secrets of Creating a Killer Ecommerce Marketplace Logo: Revealed

Ever wondered what it takes to create a logo that truly stands out? Ever wondered what it takes to create a logo that mirrors your nature of business? Uniqueness, originality, expressiveness, there are many things we want from our brand logos, and we want them all from just one logo. Easier said than done, right? So now the question comes, what does it take to make a logo that is as amazing and resonating as all the logos we have ever seen and remembered? The answer is here, the secrets that help you take charge of the game.

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Top Chatbots to integrate with your ecommerce store for improved conversion rate

Ecommerce has evolved immensely over the last couple of years, with new technology coming to the forefront. One such area which is gaining huge momentum in this sector is AI and big data. In that arena, chatbots have become a crucial aspect of an ecommerce website to increase their conversion rate and enhance the consumer experience. Read this post to find out about top chatbot platform which can be used by ecommerce websites.

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Viral Marketing

Essentials of Running a Viral Marketing Campaign for Ecommerce Businesses

The best recognition your content can get on the internet is when it becomes viral. Viral content is usually seen by a larger audience as it is shared by many. The real question is what type of content goes viral and how to create content that becomes viral. Read more to understand the essential requirements and factors revolving around creating a viral content.

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Block Chain Technology

What is Block Chain Technology and How Online Businesses Can Use It

Security has always been one of the biggest concerns for online businesses. When it came to online financial transaction, cryptocurrency solved bulk of the problems with its decentralized nature. It is based on blockchain technology, which is being hailed as the next cornerstone. Now as technology is coming to the forefront, it is resulting in disruption across a gamut of areas in the ecommerce sector. Read this post to find out more.

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Important security tips for ecommerce business

Key Security Measures Every Ecommerce Business Must Take

Internet security becomes even more so important when it comes to business. Security is the first concern that every online business owner focuses on. After all, a slight miscalculation and you may lose a customer forever; in fact, lots of them. From personal information to financial information to intellectual property, everything that affects your business must be kept secure. Every online business owner knows this, the question is how? Today, we are going to answer this question.

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How to market your brand during holiday season

Effective Marketing Techniques for Ecommerce Stores to Attract Holiday Shoppers

Customers during the holiday season are enthusiastically purchasing gifts and products online. Ecommerce businesses throughout the year wait for this time of the year. Simply displaying your products in front of the holiday shoppers will not entice them to buy it. Instead, businesses should use different marketing tactics to bring a maximum number of holiday shoppers to their website. Read on.

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OnPage SEO for Ecommerce Main

On-Page SEO for Ecommerce to Boost Rankings

Many ecommerce website owners focus on many off page SEO strategies to enhance their website rankings on search engine result pages. In all these efforts, on page SEO happens to be an over looked practice. Internet expert have said times and again that on page SEO is as important and effective as off page SEO. The problem is that with time, people are starting to forget this method of garnering organic traffic and enjoying long sustaining results. In this article, we will talk about what on page SEO is, why is it important and some tips to help you get going.

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Ways to use blog for your ecommerce business

6 Easy Ways Ecommerce Stores Can Use Blog for Business Growth

Blogs! Who doesn’t like to read blogs? The internet is full of them, and more blogs keep coming all the times. From ecommerce to fashion to culinary, you won’t find any industry out there that hasn’t used blogs, and rightly so. After all, blog is the prime medium through which brands leverage the power of […]

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AR Technology

AR Technology in iOS and Android Will Revolutionize eCommerce Sector

Augmented Reality is not a new concept anymore. Nokia gave us the City Lens in their Lumia series, and then we had Pokémon Go, an AR based game that took the world by storm. Eventually, this technological marvel reached where I believe it is going to reap maximum benefits to business owners and their audience: Ecommerce. With Apple Launching ARKit and Google Releasing ARCore, the two mobile-world moguls have already disrupted the way people like to shop online. It’s time for all the old and boring ecommerce technologies to step aside, for the stage is all set for shopping via AR.

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